Information on four-language navigation system | Toyota Rent a Car Shin-Osaka
오사카에서 렌트카를 빌리려면 도요타렌타리스 신오사카에. 간사이공항·오사카공항에서 이용하기도 편리합니다. 자동차 리스 견적도 무료입니다.

Information on four-language navigation system | Toyota Rent a Car Shin-Osaka

도요타렌타리스 신오사카 예약센터
Tellfree within Japan 0800-7000-815

Information on four-language navigation system


Please prepare in advance.

  • Phone number (hotels and sightseeing facilities)of the destination.
  • Map code of the sightseeing spot.

Entering phone number

  • 072-456-8790
  • +72-456-8790

Phone number starting with Japanʼs country code(+81) is not available on our GPS.

*if you have phone numbers with+81(country code),replace +81 with 0

How to set a destination


Please follow the highlighted line.

The audio guidance will guide you while driving.

Please stop the car and set the parking brake on to operate the car navigation.

*Please acknowledge beforehand that the car navigation cannot be operated while driving.

Some newly established roads and facilities will not updated on our car navigations.

Please confirm your route before departure and follow the actual traffic rules and conditions as you drive.

*Due to the limited number of four-language navigation, please book in advance.

*We will not be held responsible for direct or indirect damage, such as pecuniary damage including loss of profit stemming from any incorrect information in the map data or route shown.