알림 목록 | 도요타 렌터카 신오사카
오사카에서 렌트카를 빌리려면 도요타렌타리스 신오사카에. 간사이공항·오사카공항에서 이용하기도 편리합니다. 자동차 리스 견적도 무료입니다.

알림 목록 | 도요타 렌터카 신오사카

도요타렌타리스 신오사카 예약센터
Tellfree within Japan 0800-7000-815

알림 목록

  • 2018.09.21
    Notice for the temporary closure of Kansai International Airport Shop (Sep. 21, 2018)

    Due to the influence of the typhoon, we will temporarily close and suspend the reservation at Kansai International Airport Shop.

    Online booking is suspended as following:
    ・Kansai International Airport Shop
     September 4(Tue), 2018 17:00 - Close(schedule unknown)
     We may continue to decline online booking depending on circumstances.

    During the closure of the airport shop, Rinku Town Station Shop is the closest one should you use the airport.
    Please use the railway services (JR West/Nankai Electric Railway) for the transportation to Rinku Town Station from Kansai International Airport.

    Rinku Town Station Shop (Shop details below)
    Business Hours: 8:00-20:00
    Telephone Number:+81 72-463-0100

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    자세한 사항은 여기
  • 2016.11.01
    칸사이공항내 에어로플라자(エアロプラザ) 1층, 호텔 닛코 칸사이공항(ホテル日航関西空港横) 옆 위치. 항공기 도착 후 1터미널로 부터 걸어서 갈 수 있습니다. 고객님의 방문을 기다리겠습니다.
  • 2018.10.06
    The access to the Kansai airport has been limited to the public transports due to the airport access bridge damage caused by the typhoon.
    As the traffic restriction is released on 6th October, Kansai International Airport Shop reopens for business on the same day. However, it might take some time until it returns to the normal business.
    The congestion is expected on the airport access bridge. Please allow plenty of time when you use Kansai International Airport Shop.
  • 2019.05.15
    Temporary closure of Kansai International Airport Shop and Temporary Suspension of One-way Rentals in Osaka (Apr. 18, 2019)

    Due to the G20 Osaka summit set to be held from June 27th to 30th, the traffic restriction is enforced temporarily on the Kansai airport access bridge and expected to be extremely congested.
    Consequently, we will close Kansai International Airport Shop and suspend the one-way rentals to/within Osaka during the period from June 27th to 30th.
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    【About one-way rentals in Osaka】
    From June 27th to June 30th : All one-way rentals to/within Osaka are unavailable.

    【Kansai International Airport Shop】
    From June 27th to June 30th : Closed
    During the closure of the airport shop, please use the Rinku Town Station Shop which is the closest if you use the airport.
    See the shop details of Rinku Town Station Shop
  • 2016.11.01
    요츠바시스지 신사이바시점
    남바역(難波駅), 신사이바시역(心斎橋駅), 요츠바시역(四ツ橋)에서 가까운 점포로 추천합니다. 점포 주변에는 쇼핑과 맛집들이 가득합니다. 고객님의 방문을 기다리겠습니다.
  • 2016.11.01
    오사카 우메다점
    JR오사카역(大阪駅) 지하철 우메다역(地下鉄梅田駅)으로부터 가장 가까운 점포입니다. 요도바시카메라(ヨドバシカメラ) 후문에 위치해 있고 그랜드 프론트(グランフロント)과 매우 가까이에 있습니다. 고객님의 방문을 기다리겠습니다.