Other driving precautins | Toyota Rent a Car Shin-Osaka
오사카에서 렌트카를 빌리려면 도요타렌타리스 신오사카에. 간사이공항·오사카공항에서 이용하기도 편리합니다. 자동차 리스 견적도 무료입니다.

Other driving precautins | Toyota Rent a Car Shin-Osaka

도요타렌타리스 신오사카 예약센터
Tellfree within Japan 0800-7000-815

Other driving precautions

  • Some models ofcars in Japan are equipped with a foot brake or a keyless entry system For more details,contact our staff.
  • Horn honking is not very customary in Japan Refrain from frequently using the horn.
  • In principle, park the car in a parking lot. (On-road parking is prohibited on most roads.)
  • When using a car navigation system to search for the route to a destination, the easiest way is to use the MAPCODE* or phone number of the destination.
  • Before crossing a railroad crossing,stop the car before the crossing to check for safety.
*MAPCODE is a registered trademark of Denso Corp.