Fuel | Toyota Rent a Car Shin-Osaka
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Fuel | Toyota Rent a Car Shin-Osaka

도요타렌타리스 신오사카 예약센터
Tellfree within Japan 0800-7000-815




"Regular" is gasoline with an octane number of about 90.
high octane

High octane

"High octane" is gasoline with an octane number of 98 to 100.


"Diesel" is fuel that is used exclusively in diesel-powered vehicles.
There are three types of fuel: regular, high octane, and diesel (light oil). When renting a vehicle, confirm the type of fuel that is used for that vehicle. If you fill it with the wrong fuel, you may damage the vehicle. Repairs will then have to be made by the rental company. The cost of such repairs will be borne by you, the customer.